1·The stock offering was expanded to meet demand from investors.
2·When the stock offering was later announced, the Mamma.com share price fell more than 9%.
其后当该消息正式公布时 Mamma.com 的股价即下跌超过 9%.
3·Wells Fargo immediately announced that it would raise $6 billion through a new stock offering.
4·Then it makes a review of new stock offering and pricing patterns over the IPO market development of China.
5·Demand Media, the online content publisher, disclosed on Wednesday that it hoped to raise up to $138 million in its planned initial public stock offering.
在线内容发布网站——Demand Media ,在周三宣布将在原计划的公开发行股票量提高到1亿3800万美元。
6·The company's stock offering prospectus reveals that the managing editor of the Los Angeles Herald, Frank E. Wolfe, was actually a director of the company.
这家公司的股权招标书中显示洛杉矶先驱导报的总编辑法兰克e .伍尔夫正式型公司的董事。
7·A private company considering an IPO should also be aware of other disclosure which it will be required to make in connection with a public stock offering.
8·The title of left bookrunner usually is awarded to the investment bank that leads a stock offering, and that bank often receives a disproportionate take of the fees.
9·Private stock offering is a reference to the sale of corporate shares to individual investors without the lengthy registration process required for public offerings.
10·But rather than dedicate the proceeds of the stock offering to fixing the company's challenged business model, its board has decided to use a third of it to repurchase stock.